Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb 28, 2010 Post Today's New Stuff/Questions here


  1. perhaps it would be more managable to sort posts by weeks instead of days. Have "post of the week" from the previous week be highlighted as the next weeks header. Heh?

  2. i just read Adam Priest's penguin's novella, and I'm just crazy about it,really, fell in love with it (i'm one of those women who emote a lot when I more than like something). Reminded me a tad of Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, but different. And better. So provocative and really, brilliant , how it delivered philosophical and scientific ideas about human consciousness in a delightfully funny and sweet story that propels the reader along, effortlessly. I'm going to get one hardcopy and a mug right now. I'm in a very happy frame of mind because of that story. Needs to be re-read of course. Thanks for bringing this author to my attention.

  3. Swann, Ha! I've known Adam for almost fifteen years. Do you mind if I let him know you're fond of his book?

  4. Sure. I ended up buying two copies of the book and 0 mugs, for now. I also got one of your rags, out of brand loyalty and because I want to feel it, tangibly. I'm still old school, need objects like books, newspapers, magazines with those smooth pages, etc.
