Saturday, May 8, 2010

Litfo Review, May 8, 2010

Litfo Review, May 8, 2010

From around April 25 to the present:

Belabored exposition and shameless self-promotion are the themes for this Litfo Review. The virtues of the churning eye of the dullard meets with the slaphappy brazenness of the egomaniac (oh, I know, we all are) makes for a shrillness I try to forget—but cannot.

Jenman8a thinks s/he can write good description. Is that what s/he means by taking three paragraphs to even hint at plot; and painfully formulaic character establishment in this comp?

BadKytty wrote some cdickens style fake-action. Is it an act of Marysue if the author is indulging in counter-type character porn? I'm not sure, but dialogue driven compositions need to be better written than this:

There were the typical homework help questions: Or I should say, resume help questions. I don't know, maybe the employer wants to know that you needed help writing your RESUME?

What's up with the spiritual manifesto writers? Do they really think there's an army of comet worshipers, ready to don a purple robe & Nikes & head for Heaven's gate?

Royo of all people had some good advice for a would-be poet, here: I wonder if anyone listened?

Lots of thwarted writers, thwarting themselves. Did you consider you thwart yourself because the decent side of you knows you have nothing worth committing to page? There are plenty of fine writers out there, the world doesn't need another shitty one. Go back to data entry. Who told you that your dreams are my responsibility?

Zenyatta keeps trying. I just can't get into her writing. Maybe someone wants to post a defense?

Man, it's painful reading just ten pages of litfo. Rename it to schizfo? Every junkie with a pen or keyboard hits it—I swear.

There's a strain of amusing homophobia on litfo. Royo can't help being drawn to such threads, but there was some guy who claimed to be a citizen of Quebec who also couldn't get buggery out of his head.

I didn't like FB's story on buzzards and I think his girlfriend thought that meant I didn't like any writing. Why do strangers assume that because I don't like them, that I don't like anyone?

Mike-in-the-box brought litfo some Bruce Sterling critique jargon. Hasn't caught on yet. We're so set in our ways.

CGT is having trouble writing outside his formula. You can't punch in w/ writing as you do with work!

I think there's a short story meeting that Swann's running. Good to have some focus on the litfo.

Playman put up a poem on litfo. Fear of nihilism is in the air:

Short is sometimes sweet: my favorite flash fiction by Rytis was this:

There were some earnest efforts made on litfo. I hope this guy returns w/ revisions:

Why do so many nitwits think writing about sex is taboo? It's a fake taboo—the sex writers respond to the fake indignation of the supposedly celibate. Oh gee, yeah, nobody has ever attempted a DNA pass-off—thank god you wrote about it! Enjoy your VD infected orgasms!

GOM returned & led a Faulkner discussion. Sometimes you can see the litfo in their youth, as A+ English students. Only sometimes tho.

Swann wrote a revision of an old story. Getting there hon.

BowlofCherries returned to litfo. Some routines are routine in their interruption I suppose.

Oh and to continue on anal themes, someone named 'Anal T. Ruth' posted a solicitation for her crappy blog. No thanks hon. There's still some scary ho tryin' to bugger the litfo with her crusty strap-on.

Train Whistle wrote one about gold jewelry. Queens demoted to pawns!

That's it for now. Post any updates I forgot to mention.


  1. One of two highlights for this week. The other is anticipating Betty White hosting SNL. I do, so, have a life. LitFo and SNL are part of it.

    Thanks for doing these. Please don't stop.

  2. it was an alternate truth. or anal ternatetruth. if you read it that way.

  3. "There were some earnest efforts made on litfo. I hope this guy returns w/ revisions:"

    Ha. This young super-sincere folksinger/ guitarist used to play in front of the grocery store here in Yellow Springs, singing about unions 'n' stuff. I affectionately nicknamed him "Ernest Folksinger," but it didn't catch on.

    Anyway, thanks and I will be back (with a sack full of revisions).
